Your Name (required)
Other Crew
Number of People on board, including Skipper (required)
Your House Number & Street (required)
Your Postcode (required)
Your Email (required)
Mobile Number (required)
Please show phone number with the space between as 01234 567890
Trips to book:
- Swanage Day Trip - 13th April - Solent Week cruise - 2nd - 12th May - £5 - Weymouth cruise - 23rd - 26th May - £5 - Yarmouth Harbour RIR cruise - 6th - 9th June - £5 - Lymington cruise - 20th - 23rd June - £5 - Bembridge Harbour - 27th - 30th June - £5 - Cherbourg & Channel Islands cruise - 5th - 13th July - £5 - Sheperds Wharf, Cowes - 18th - 21st July - £5 - Portland Marina cruise - 8th - 11th Aug - £5 - West Country cruise - 11th - 17th Aug - £5 - Weymouth cruise - 22nd - 25th Aug - £5 - Mercury Yacht Haven cruise - 5th - 8th Sept - £5
Boat name (required):
Boat make (required):
LOA in metres (required):
Beam in metres (required):
Draft in metres (required):
Cruising Speed (required):
Radar (required):
—Please choose an option—YesNo
First time crossing:
If you bring a dog on a cruise in the UK, whilst we will try to accomodate an alongside berth, NO guarantee can be given that this will be possible, so dogs are brought on this understanding and at your own risk.
No Dogs Allowed on Cross Channel Events.
Please answer YES if bringing a dog or NO if not (required):
—Please choose an option—Yes, I Agree I may not get an alongside berth if I bring a dog on a cruiseNo
Any other Requirements:
Important Booking Information
Risk Statement: In making this booking you understand and agree that responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in an event is the skippers alone. By taking part in the event/s, each participant agrees and acknowledges that: i) They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event. ii) They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat, and their other property whether afloat or ashore. iii) They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss caused by their own acts or omissions. iv) They are responsible for ensuring that their boat is equipped and seaworthy, that there is crew sufficient in number, experience, and fitness and that the safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed and in date and is familiar to the crew. In making this booking you also understand and agree that PYCCS’s role has only been to make a marina booking. As well as the social reasons the purpose of cruising in company is that other PYCC Members are there to support you in case of need and to help with any guidance such as route planning. A list of participants will be supplied. PYCCS will only use your personal information to administer your membership and cruise bookings and to provide the information and services you have requested from it. Your details will never be shared with third parties other than for these express purposes and never for the purposes of marketing or similar. Where you have booked on a cruise your contact details will be shared with the marina booking staff, and with fellow cruise members for the sole purpose of making arrangements between participating cruise members. In requesting a place, confirming your agreement with the above and submitting this form you give your consent to PYCCS using photographs relevant to the cruises on their website.
Our Data Protection Privacy Notice is available on the web site and on request. You can also confirm the accuracy of details held about you on request (a small charge may be made). Contact
I Agree (required):
—Please choose an option—Yes
BEFORE YOU SEND, Please check that all Cruises chosen and details above are correct.