PYCCS 2024 Annual General Meeting

Formal Notice of PYCCS 2024 Annual General Meeting

The PYCCS Annual General Meeting will be held in the Skylight Lounge starting at 19.30. on Wednesday, 30th October 2024.


  1. Approval of last year’s minutes
  2. Chairman’s Introduction and Annual Report
  3. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of Accounts
  4. Election of Officers and Committee for the forthcoming year
  5. Any other business

The Minutes of the 2023 AGM can be found HERE

Election of officers and committee members:

The current committee consists of 7 persons, with 1 co-opted member. The current 7 Committee members are willing to offer themselves for re-election in their current roles, and Helen Carlisle is also happy to stand for another year.

However, we are very keen to recruit some enthusiastic people to join the committee with different ideas on how we can best serve our membership.

Any person wishing to be considered for an officer or committee position should be a member of the Poole Yacht Club Cruising Section. Nominations must include the name of the proposer, a seconder, an indication of agreement from the nominee and his/her contact details. Nominations should be made in advance, by email to the by 23rd October 2024 – [email protected]

Advance nominations are essential to enable any necessary election arrangements to be made and, in the interests of managing time, we will not take nominations from the floor at the AGM.

Class Captain: Peter Hayton.

Email: [email protected]

You’ll be most welcomed to our Annual General Meeting of the Cruising Section, where you can hear about the year just gone and have a chance to have your say on future cruises and events and catch up with fellow cruising members. This is for all Cruising Section Members and any club members interested in Cruising in Company with the Cruising Section.

We look forward to seeing you at 19.30 in the Skylight Lounge.