PYCCS 2023 AGM Information & Minutes

We had a very well attended AGM where a good number of subjects were talked about and our new Class Captain, Peter Hayton, was voted in, all of the remaining committee said they were happy to continue in their posts.

A big vote of thanks was given to Gerald Davies for all the work he’d done in his year as Class Captain to lift the Cruising Section up from the results of the Covid pandemic effects.

The minutes for the 2023 AGM can be found HERE

New voting system for PYCCS elections.
Voting was by skippers of boats in the Cruising Section who had been active in the 2023 season, on the basis of one boat, one vote.

This voting system brings us into line with the rest of the club, where the skipper of each boat that has been active in the class, in the current season, gets a vote upon who the next season’s Class Captain is to be:

The Rules:
The Electorate will be constituted from members of the Section on the basis of one vote per boat that has been active during the season just ended. Active boats include:
 Boats that have been on a rally event, or booked to go on a rally event that was cancelled by the committee
 In addition, any committee members not included above will be invited to vote, as
they were, obviously, active members of the section.

Candidates for Class Captain must come from the Electorate, and they may self-nominate, but they must have two sponsors also from the Electorate,

Email voting will be used, thus ensuring that all Electors are able to vote even if they cannot attend the AGM for any reason.

The Electorate will be emailed four weeks ahead of the AGM, explaining the new rules and asking for nominations for Class Captain. Nominees and supporters should all email
[email protected] confirming their nomination, or support of a candidate.

The candidates may submit a statement in support of their candidacy, and this will be circulated to the whole Cruising Section.

The whole Electorate will be asked to respond to the voting request, even if the response is to abstain.

The votes must be returned at least 1 week before the AGM

The result of the vote will be announced at the AGM