Man Overboard Rescue Training Booking Form

    Your Name (required)

    Boat Name

    Berth Number or Normal Location (required)

    Number of crew on board (required)

    Your Street & Number (required)

    Your Postcode (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Mobile Number being used at Event (required)

    Mobile Number Normal (required)

    Bearing in mind we will be allocating a 1 hour training slot to each boat registered, please indicate your Preferred Day/s for MOB Rescue Training Slot choices, click one or all if you wish to do so. The fee will be £35 for your boat slot, however many days you indicate you will be available:

    - 30th September 2023 -
    - 1st October 2023 -

    Boat make (required):

    LOA in metres (required):

    Beam in metres (required):

    Draft in metres (required):

    Vessel Category (required):

    Radio Call Sign (Mixture of 5 letter and numbers) (required):

    MMSI Radio number (if applicable):

    Any other Requirements:

    Important Booking Information

    Risk Statement: In making this booking you understand and agree that the responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in this event is the skippers and owners alone.
    By taking part in the event/s, each participant agrees and acknowledges that:

    i) They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to any inherent risk whilst taking part in this training event;

    ii) They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat, and their other property whether afloat or ashore;
    iii) They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss caused by their own acts or omissions;

    iv) They are responsible for ensuring that their boat is equipped and seaworthy, that there is crew sufficient in number, experience, and fitness and that the safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed and in date and is familiar to the crew;

    v) PYCCS’s role has only been to organise this training event booking.

    Furthermore in making this booking they also understand and agree that Poole Sailing’s representative will be on board purely in an advisory role. The insured risk, plus responsibility for the safety of the boat and crew remains, as always, with the yacht’s skipper and owner.

    In requesting a place on this training session, confirming your agreement with the above and submitting this form you give your consent to PYCCS using photographs relevant to the event on the PYC Cruising Section website or the Poole Yacht Club website.

    PYCCS’s Data Protection Privacy Notice is available on the web site and on request. You can also confirm the accuracy of details held about you on request (a small charge may be made). Contact [email protected]:

    I Agree (required):

    BEFORE YOU SEND, Please check that Man Overboard Rescue Training details above are correct.