Laying Up Supper 5th Oct 2024 Booking Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Mobile Number (required)

    Number of people attending (required)

    Guest Name - please state none if not applicable (required)

    2 Course Meal Choices to book:

    Main Courses

    Chicken, Leek and Ham and Pie (required)

    Portobello mushroom and cheese Wellington (required)

    Sweet Courses

    Warm bread and butter pudding served with custard (required)

    Fresh fruit salad with double cream (required)

    Important Social Information

    PYCCS takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your membership and social bookings and to provide the information and services you have requested from us. Your details will never be shared with third parties other than for these express purposes and never for the purposes of marketing or similar.

    Our Data Protection Privacy Notice is available on the web site and on request. You can also confirm the accuracy of details held about you on request (a small charge may be made). Contact [email protected] :

    I Agree (required):

    BEFORE YOU SEND, Please check that all menu choices and details above are correct.